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Convenient, trusted, quality training courses.

Eden Training Academy


We have government funding to help employers grow their business by up skilling their existing workforce.

We can help employers identify what skills their workforce needs and provide access to relevant training - Often fully funded. We usually operate in partnership with employers, offering programmes which have a dual qualification aim – one work related the other in English or Maths. 

Looking for short term training, that delivers long term gain? There are some fully funded avenues we can help you explore, to maximise the productivity of your workforce.

Architects Planning


Our CSCS course has been a big hit for those in the construction industry. We have tailored courses for those interested in attaining a CSCS card.

Happy Family

Health & Social Care

We have a number of Health and Social Care course including Level 2 mental health awareness and the Care Certificate



This course will improve the customer service skills of your staff. 

Image by Andras Vas

Digital Skills

Our digital skill courses are really useful for employees that need to provide confidence to their employers that are not digital in their thinking.

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Food Hygiene

This course is for anyone who works where food is cooked, prepared and handled.


Online Accredited Digital Courses

Take a look at our latest fast track courses giving you access to some incredible online learning.

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Image by John Schnobrich

Our aim is to have the right learner, on the right programme,

at the right time.

Placing the learners at the heart of
their learning programme.

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